What do you think is it right decision to scrap 15 year old vehicle in HP?
This seems perfect poll!
As govt of HP is going to scrap 15 year old vehicle on mandatory basis.
This seems wrong decision. As more then 40% of HRTC buses are more then 15 year old and they are still surviving.
1st question if govt. scrap those buses are they able to provide transport service through out state smoothly. As road is the only way of transport in HP.
2nd the money flow in HP is not in very high ratio. As 50% of people will not be able to buy new vehicle as the old vehicle get pulled down.
Is govt going to make any policy that they will provide good amount for old vehicle.
Is there any external pressure of car manufacturing company. Means providing some good treat to higher authorities to rule out this decision. How we can judge for that these decision is done independently?
Does the govt has done survey of current situation of state cash flow before making this decision like what is the per person earning in HP.